Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Homespun and Vintage Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Homespun and Vintage Fair that Cheryl and I organised.

You certainly spread lots of happiness and vintage sparkle

The atmosphere was electric and so much laughter and goodwill. Our vintage Tea Room was a real success and gave joy to many many people being able to relax and eat cake. There is certainly a feeling out there for the simple pleasures in life and a return to homemaking.

I would be really happy for your comments. If you came to the fair, what you thought and any feedback you would like to give.

If you did not make the Fair, any comments would be appreciated. It would be lovely to hear from you all

Monday, 24 October 2011

5 Days to go...Homespun & Vintage Fair Saturday 29th October!

Looking forwarding to seeing you there.

Love Linda x

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Summer Roses

June is the month of roses in my garden. I love the old fashioned blowsy blooms. I enjoy them in the garden, I pick them and fill the house with them. I use them in my flower orders to create beautiful country bunches of fresh flowers and herbs. I also start to pick them and dry them.

Dried rose petals have a vintage charm of their own and I dry lots to pack into pretty bags for the winter months. Emptying a little bag into a pretty vintage bowl and smelling the scent of roses is one of the best things when the garden is quite bare.

I am not usually an organised person, but this is something that has to be done because in the blink of an eye the old fashioned roses are gone. They always put on a splendid show but then that it it until the next year.


Don't you just love the entrance to our new project! We now have a door, recycled from our collection stored at the bottom of the Garden, lots of old interesting things waiting for the right home.
It has to be painted yet. The project was the old Chicken shed that we pulled down and are now in the process of trying to create a new outdoor room. It is a very sunny place and hopefully the plan is that we will find time to sit in it.

I am trying to make it look old and interesting. The little cat by the door is a board with a cat painted on it that I have had for years. The caution sign above the door is an old wooden vintage hand sign. Quite usefull as the entrance is low. Funny how things collected often find the right home even if it takes years!
Bye for now
Linda x
What lays behind I will write about in future posts for anyone who is interested.

Friday, 20 May 2011

New Project

We are forever starting new projects. We start with a simple plan but as we progress, the plan gets more and more elaborate and my husband says "whimsical"

My poor husband Barry has to interpret my airy fairy ideas and try to make practical sense of them.

Our latest project is the old chicken house. It was well passed its sell by date and my beautiful chickens have a new home. We pondered long on what to do with it and our new project was born. It is to make an extended seating, lounging outdoor room. The only trouble is we never seem to get to the sitting and lounging stage. Lets hope this one is different. I will keep you posted with more photo's for anyone who is interested (Hopefully with some of me in so you dont think Barry does all the work!!)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Wrist corsages

Sorry , the presentation leaves something to be desired but it was quite awkward photographing. These are also false flowers and so pretty.


I thought I would show you some wedding photographs to illustrate the beauty of false flowers. I do both false and fresh flowers for weddings but are asked more and more for false flowers as they can be kept and given as gifts.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Spring is on its way can you feel it?

I know its not Easter yet! but I just loved this vintage card.
The weather is just fabulous, everything seems ready to spring into life. I think spring and all the hope it brings is my favourite time of year.
The blossom is out, the daffodils are out and the air smells like spring
Hope you all have a lovely day x
On another note, to all you lovely bloggers that have left me a comment, I am trying to leave comments back to you but I am having difficulty, Its probably something quite simple that I am doing wrong so please don't think I am ignoring you and I will get there.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Our 2nd Homespun and Vintage Fair

27 days to go
and I am getting excited and nervous!
Cheryl and I are really looking forward to
welcoming you all to our 2nd Fair and spring is
such a lovely time. We have all had a long hard
winter and this will bring sunshine (I hope) and
lots of creating time to look forward to.
So please click on the link to our Homespun and Vintage blog on the left.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Spring Homespun and Vintage Fair

All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy and my spirits soar. - Helen Hayes

Cheryl and I are in the midst of organising our Spring Homespun and Vintage Fair and our heads are spinning again.
We held our very first Fair in October 2010 and it was such a success we were thrilled. The atmosphere was eveything we strived so hard for and much much more. The friendship, goodwill and excitement that exsisted at the Friends Meeting House that day made us both so happy.
Since then we have been asked so many times when our next fair will be, well!!
The Spring Homespun and Vintage Fair is to be held on the 16th April at the same venue, the lovely Friends Meeting House in Pickering, North Yorkshire. - Just 30 days to go !!
After the dark days of winter we hope our fair will add some much needed sunshine, so come along and browse beautiful stalls overflowing with unique vintage and homespun items that you will not find in the high street shops.
Our very successful Vintage Tea Room will be there again for tea, coffee and scrummy homemade cakes, all served on beautiful vintage china.
SO save the date 16th April 2011 and come and have a really wonderful day out.
A very warm welcome awaits you.
More details to follow. x